This is who we Are.
We are all in, hold nothing back, serve with all we’ve got, love until we have nothing left, faith-filled believers.
What we Believe
Our Core Ministry Values
We Live Under the Lordship of Jesus Christ: We are submitted to His direction by His Spirit through His Word. All things go to Him. (Colossians 1:18)
We follow God’s Word as the only authoritative rule for faith and conduct.
We Teach with Expository Teaching: The Bible is taught in context setting forth the meaning and purpose of each book and chapter, book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse. (Isaiah 28:10-13)
We Seek to Live According to the New Nature: We live with an attitude that puts others’ interest above our own within Gods revealed will and plan. Which is to love God and love people. (1 Corinthians 13:2)(Philippians 2:5)
We are Gospel Centered: We seek for the gospel to be preached and practiced. Which is to evangelize in the church and outside the church. (Romans 1:16)(Luke 24:27
“for the equipping of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ,” Ephesians 4:12
Children’s Ministry
We believe that children are not just the future of the church but are an important part of the church right now. We teach our children in a safe, positive environment. We equip them with solid biblical teaching in an age-appropriate setting, in order to equip them to make decisions on their own.
Children’s Ministry Includes:
Children ages 4-13
Worship is an integral part of following Jesus. We worship Him and acknowledge Him as our Lord, our Creator and our Savior. Worship is not limited to singing and raising hands during service but is an interwoven part of a christian’s walk with the Lord. We worship because of who God is and show our Him our gratitude in our thoughts, words, and actions.